Breaking News

May 31, 2014

Microsoft launches file manager for Windows Phone

There was no such file mannager which can access all files from Phone memory & SD card. It was a big drawback of windows phone. Due to high level of security no other developer developed such user friendly file manager app. According to user need Microsoft has finally lunched its filemanager app named FILES
Here are few screen short of this app & the important think is that you need windows 8.1 in your phone to run this app.

Windows Phone 8.1 file manager

The app allows you to browse files on the phone, search everything you might have stored on the device or microSD card and you can delete, move or copy files. You also get the ability to share either single, or multiple files too, which is a nice addition to the OS. 

You will need the latest version of Windows phone too, and there don't seem to be any plans to bring file management to any earlier version of the mobile OS. That will disappoint some, but we suppose having managed this long without the feature, it won't be too bothersome for those with older devices.
Presumably having app for this functionality is more of a stopgap, we would expect that file management features would ultimately be part of the core of the operating system. That said, there isn't likely to be a major Windows Phone update for some time, so it's not much of a surprise that Microsoft isn't waiting. 

For download this app click here

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