Just last month Samsung launched the much awaited Galaxy K zoom exclusively on Amazon India at Rs. 29,999. Now the device is available at a discounted price of Rs. 24,999 as a Rakhi exclusive offer. The company is also offering 32GB Sandisk Micro SD Card along with the smartphone.
On the memory front the device offers 2GB of RAM and 8GB of internal storage which can be further expanded up to 64GB via microSD card.For those unaware Galaxy K Zoom flaunts a 4.8-inch super AMOLED HD display and runs on the latest version of Android 4.4 KitKat operating system. It is powered by a hexa-core processor, which the company claims that it will deliver excellent smartphone experience.
The phone comes equipped with a 20.7-megapixel camera. It has the new retracting technology which provides 10x optical zoom. The camera also consists of a BSI CMOS sensor that generates ultra-clear and ultra-detailed images.
The camera also features optical image stabilizer which gives perfect images in low light conditions and also reduces the blur caused due to movement. Along with this there is also Xenon flash on board which delivers brighter images as compared to the LED flash. Apart from all this the device also incorporates advanced camera features like Pro Suggest mode, Selfie alarm, AF/AE separation and many others.
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